
Missing my old life

Today I have been missing my old life.

"Unsinkable Molly Brown" in high school with my best friend, Karen

"It's a Wonderful Life" in dinner theatre in Germany

"Macbeth" with friend and make-up artist, James

"Into the Woods" in college

"Charley's Aunt" with friend, Angela

Make-up artist for "All My Sons"

"Kiss Me Kate" tights (my last show as a dancer/ensemble)

Backstage for "Oklahoma" with friend and dresser, Fred

Backstage for theatre fundraiser/cabaret

On the movie set of "Romance of the Ages"

1st opera, "La Boheme"

"Camelot" with best acting partner of career, Eric

My troupe is performing the show "Gypsy."

This is their 2nd weekend with 2 more to go. I found myself in tears today thinking about them singing "Let Me Entertain You," and "Little Lamb" and "Gotta Get a Gimmick."

The tears came because I will not be singing those songs this weekend. The lights won't dim and the butterflies won't rise in my stomach as I anticipate the packed house. I miss all that.

I wish I could be with them.

I wish them a great run.

Break a leg, dear friends.

Want to see a snippet of their show? Click here.

What do you miss from your "old life?"

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Making caramel apples

Last night, as Theatre Baby struggled to fall asleep after a day of horrible naps, Rockstar and I made caramel apples. Ahhh... sweet bliss!

We had the tiniest apples to work with, but we enjoyed it. It was a small project, but a great way for us to pull away from the hectic world and connect. We need times like that. Life can be too fast-paced and we have to be purposeful to keep our family values in perspective.

That being sad, are you ready for your mouth to water? Here are the pics from last night:

Rockstar stirring the caramel.

It smelt so good!

Our tiny little apples

Dipping the apples

After an hour of chilling, we got to enjoy!

What do you do to connect with your spouse?


My child is an artist

I don't read up on "So you have a 13 month old? This is what they SHOULD be doing..." Every child develops at different stages, so I ignore the recommended milestones and let Theatre Baby do his thing.

That being said, I did ask a friend when Theatre Baby should be coloring. The answer was he should have already been doing it. I paniced (totally disregarding my firm belief that the suggested milestones are bogus)! That night as soon as Rockstar was home, I sat Theatre Baby in his high chair, put a blank piece of paper in front of him and a crayon in his hand.

And this is the masterpiece we now own.

If any of you have ever watched "My Kid Could Paint That," then  you know we are currently selling Theatre Baby's work on ebay for $5,000.

What is your masterpiece?


Tag Sale Finds: In Progress

The youth at my church we having their annual tag sale last month, and I rummaged through the donations before the event (I know, I know. I'm a cheater. I guess I like to think I am opportunistic). I found 2 gorgeous picture frames and 1 adorable mirror!

They just needed some TLC. These were the pics in the 2 frames.

The picture makes it look cuter then it is. Trust me. It is gross.

Not my taste, but I didn't let that deter me. I saw the potential in the frames. And being the opportunistic person I am, I was not about to let these gems go to a random treasure seeker at the tag sale. No sir! I called up the coordinator of the tag sale and asked if I could take them early and pay whatever they were marked for. Guess what? She told me just to have them!!! How sweet is that? I got these fabulous finds for free!!! How is that for a bargain?

So I set to work to refinish. Here is the first one I started on.

Not such a fan of gold, so I just brushed dark brown acrylic paint with a dry brush over the entire frame. Actually, I ended up dabbing more then brushing because of all the crevasses. And this is what it looked like after painting.

Much better! So I hung it on the wall.

But there is nothing in it. I know what I want the finished product to look like in my head, but not sure how to make it a reality. I need your help!!!

Help me finish this project!
Post a link below using Mister Linky to a great idea that might inspire me.
I can't wait to hear your great ideas!

Strangest Dream

For the first time, Theatre Baby had the stomach flu. Yuck! As a first time mom, this we a scarey experience. You never want to see your sweet little baby going through something like that, but Rockstar and I rose to the challenge and took care of our baby with flying colors. We were pretty sleep deprived yesterday, so Rockstar suggested I take a nap (how sweet, huh?). Here is where the dream part comes.

I went to sleep and my imagination led me here:
I lived here. In a corner loft apartment with tons of windows...
...but the floors by the windows were made of ice, so it was hard to walk around the apartment. You always feared for your life!
And I owned a polar bear that looked like a grizzly bear. I released him into the wild and he was very angry at me for doing this. So...
...he climbed to the top of the windmill right outside my window. But the windmill...
...looked like this. The bear climbed to the top and was terrorizing the town. It was getting pretty ugly, not to mention...
...I was expecting my 2nd child.
I was very concerned about the placement of the table with the 2nd one on the way because...
...it was too close to the ice ledge by the window. Never mind that I had...

When I woke up and told Rockstar about it he busted a gut! He thought it was the most hilarious thing ever! His immediate suggestion was to expose this dream to my Facebook posse. I declined. Did I really want my close friends and family knowing how crazy I was? So instead, I decided to share it with all of you! Even though some of you know me in real life, I hoped my blog buddies would be more accepting of the crazy inner workings of my mind.

Thanks for letting me share!

What is the wierdest dream you remember and are willing to share?
I'd love to hear all about it!!!


The food in the life of a pregnant woman

What? Did I really write PREGNANT in my title? Not me? I have a 13 months old. There is no way I could be 24 weeks pregnant. No way at all!

Well, I am! We found out when Theatre Baby was almost 10 months. What a shock! I was a little disappointed at first because I was ready to start acting again. What else would you expect? This is "The Acting Mom" blog, so it is logical I would want to start back in on the acting part of my title. God had other plans and I am so glad He did!!!

We are expecting a little girl on Christmas Eve.

See how photogenic she is?

Opps! That is not what this post was suppose to be about. I was going to write about the food I crave and eat and gorg myself on. So here is the real post:

I know it isn't healthy because I'm preggo, but I was feeling lazy!





Super Snack:

Wow. I eat too much! So much for trying to stay thin during this pregnancy. Bring on the XXL maternity clothes, I'm going to need them!

What food do you crave on a daily basis?