
My child is an artist

I don't read up on "So you have a 13 month old? This is what they SHOULD be doing..." Every child develops at different stages, so I ignore the recommended milestones and let Theatre Baby do his thing.

That being said, I did ask a friend when Theatre Baby should be coloring. The answer was he should have already been doing it. I paniced (totally disregarding my firm belief that the suggested milestones are bogus)! That night as soon as Rockstar was home, I sat Theatre Baby in his high chair, put a blank piece of paper in front of him and a crayon in his hand.

And this is the masterpiece we now own.

If any of you have ever watched "My Kid Could Paint That," then  you know we are currently selling Theatre Baby's work on ebay for $5,000.

What is your masterpiece?



i agree with you - don't freak out about the milestones, b/c your child (most likely) will get there when he/she is good and ready!

the first masterpiece is the most precious! frame it!

visiting from SITS

Michelle said...

Um....does eating the crayons count?