
Missing my old life

Today I have been missing my old life.

"Unsinkable Molly Brown" in high school with my best friend, Karen

"It's a Wonderful Life" in dinner theatre in Germany

"Macbeth" with friend and make-up artist, James

"Into the Woods" in college

"Charley's Aunt" with friend, Angela

Make-up artist for "All My Sons"

"Kiss Me Kate" tights (my last show as a dancer/ensemble)

Backstage for "Oklahoma" with friend and dresser, Fred

Backstage for theatre fundraiser/cabaret

On the movie set of "Romance of the Ages"

1st opera, "La Boheme"

"Camelot" with best acting partner of career, Eric

My troupe is performing the show "Gypsy."

This is their 2nd weekend with 2 more to go. I found myself in tears today thinking about them singing "Let Me Entertain You," and "Little Lamb" and "Gotta Get a Gimmick."

The tears came because I will not be singing those songs this weekend. The lights won't dim and the butterflies won't rise in my stomach as I anticipate the packed house. I miss all that.

I wish I could be with them.

I wish them a great run.

Break a leg, dear friends.

Want to see a snippet of their show? Click here.

What do you miss from your "old life?"

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1 comment:

Lorie said...

I only did two plays in high school, but every time I go to a show I get that tingling. There really isn't anything like it. I have even jumped out of a plane...being on stage is better.