
Strangest Dream

For the first time, Theatre Baby had the stomach flu. Yuck! As a first time mom, this we a scarey experience. You never want to see your sweet little baby going through something like that, but Rockstar and I rose to the challenge and took care of our baby with flying colors. We were pretty sleep deprived yesterday, so Rockstar suggested I take a nap (how sweet, huh?). Here is where the dream part comes.

I went to sleep and my imagination led me here:
I lived here. In a corner loft apartment with tons of windows...
...but the floors by the windows were made of ice, so it was hard to walk around the apartment. You always feared for your life!
And I owned a polar bear that looked like a grizzly bear. I released him into the wild and he was very angry at me for doing this. So...
...he climbed to the top of the windmill right outside my window. But the windmill...
...looked like this. The bear climbed to the top and was terrorizing the town. It was getting pretty ugly, not to mention...
...I was expecting my 2nd child.
I was very concerned about the placement of the table with the 2nd one on the way because...
...it was too close to the ice ledge by the window. Never mind that I had...

When I woke up and told Rockstar about it he busted a gut! He thought it was the most hilarious thing ever! His immediate suggestion was to expose this dream to my Facebook posse. I declined. Did I really want my close friends and family knowing how crazy I was? So instead, I decided to share it with all of you! Even though some of you know me in real life, I hoped my blog buddies would be more accepting of the crazy inner workings of my mind.

Thanks for letting me share!

What is the wierdest dream you remember and are willing to share?
I'd love to hear all about it!!!


Becky said...

I have this dream that involves numbers. I have it every few years, sometimes more often. I don't know exactly what it is about but I wake up terrorized. Like I can't go back to sleep for hours and John has to hold me. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with needing like a certain number and I can't figure out how to add up to it. John thinks I'm a freak.

Mary said...

I have a hard time remembering my dreams...but I do sleep walk/talk, mainly when I'm really stressed. My husband gets a huge kick out of it!

Jennifer said...

I'd like to say the years since you wrote this post have tempered your inner crazy, but I don't think that's true. This is one hilarious dream!