
Happy 1st Birthday, "Big" and "Little"

We have known about our two little guys across the world since July. We weren't told their names or their ages, but we were told their birth dates. Now that we have read all about these two sweet boys, seen pictures and heard reports about the type of food they like and where they are developmentally, we almost feel like we know them. I guess it feels more like they are miniature pen pals that will one day live with us, but regardless of how it feels, we know that one day we will be their forever family.

We hoped that we would be able to celebrate their first birthdays with them in Uganda, but that didn't happen. So we did the next best thing. We had a little birthday celebration for each of them on their birthday, holding their picture there as a symbol that we are commemorating their day. Asher, Alethea, Craig and I all sang "Happy Birthday" and blew out the candles together, because they weren't there to do it themselves. We as their forever family honored their mothers who gave them life and are treasuring one year of surviving amazing obstacles. These two little boys have a fight and passion in them despite all of the hardships they have had to overcome, and we celebrated all of that on their first birthdays while they were in Uganda sleeping.

Happy Birthday, "Big." 

We can't wait to see you toddling around our house with Asher and Alethea, and "Little" playing right along. We look forward to discovering your favorite foods and your sweet smile. We can't wait to hold you and kiss your little forehead and say, "You are home. Forever." Happy 1st Birthday, "Big!"

Happy Birthday, "Little."

We are excited to see you start to crawl, pull up, and then walk with "Big", Asher and Alethea. We are anxious to see what kind of toys you enjoy and what songs you like to sing when you first wake up. We can't wait to snuggle you close and whisper to you that you are loved. Happy 1st Birthday, "Little!"

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