
Duelin' Divas 2011

For the last three years I have been asked to perform in Theatre Winter Haven's Duelin' Divas FUNraiser. The purpose is to raise money for the theatre by having past actresses come and sing two songs of their choice in a competition to see who can raise the most money. Whoever raises the most money is crowned Diva for the year and can gloat and wear her tiara for days without any questions asked.

Until this year, I have declined participating. Even though I am a singer, I do not love to sing for the sake of performance. I have done events like this in the past for other theatres, but really never enjoyed the experience. For me, theatre is all about the craft, the storytelling, the chance to learn about the another world. None of those things can be found in a concert style show. So, for some odd reason I put aside my feelings and said yes, when I was asked this year. Even though it was stressful, I was a nervous wreck and I felt under-prepared, I performed. Oh, and I did I mention when had to do a choreographed number with singing, dancing and boas?

I sang a song from one of my favorite shows, "Into the Woods." I played the Baker's Wife over 6 years ago and thought re-singing "Moments in the Woods" would be a perfect song to act and sing. It was tremendously fun, even though I did mess up the lyrics and have to improvise.

The other song I sang just for me. I've always loved "Far From the Home I Love" from "Fiddler on the Roof," but I have outgrown that role. I chose to sing it just so I could say I did. I should have known my lyrics better then I did, but I promise to never do something like this again!

There were three wonderful parts of the evening.

1. When I was finished singing!
2. When Eric and Mark (2 men I have played opposite) sang a love song to Larry (pictured above).
3. When Katrina Ploof won title of Diva for the year! She is an extremely talented lady in many capacities, and I was elated that the audience recognized her extraordinary gifts.

 The best part of the evening was when the entire thing was over! Four friends from outside of the theatre came to watch and it was great to just sit in the theatre, eating dessert and chatting away. After I collected all of my things, some of the actors from Lakeland all headed to Applebees in Lakeland to sit and relax. It was the best conversation I have had with this crowd and singing and the stress would all be worth it just for that conversation.

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