
Can't Sleep!

Having a 5 month old squirmy baby in the bed makes sleeping nearly impossible. I am struggling with a cold, and am not sleeping well between the nose blowing and stuffiness, anyway. I don't mean to complain, but something must change!

How I got to this point:

Pre-baby: I vowed I would not co-sleep. I was going to be the parent. I was going to be in control and my children (whoever they were and however many there were) they would have to get on board with my plan. I am sure all of you parents are laughing at this naive thinking and I am right there with you!

Theatre Baby- 1 month old: After a month of waking up every 2 hours, Rockstar and I started to sleep with Theatre Baby on the couch. We took turns and it worked out ok. It wasn't ideal, but we were new parents who were sleep deprived, just trying to think of something to gain us a little sleep.

Theatre Baby- 3 months old: We weren't getting any sleep on the couch, so we reluctantly transitioned to the bed. We vowed it was only temporary, until Theatre Baby started to sleeping through the night.

Theatre Baby- 5 1/2 months old: Well, Theatre Baby isn't sleeping through the night and we aren't either! I must say, though, it is sweet to feel his soft breath of my skin, and hear his little mouth sucking on the pacifier. It is also so endearing to have his little chubby fingers reach and grab my chin when he first wakes up, or the cooing noises he makes as he scratches Rockstar's back when we first go to bed. These are precious memories. And I will cherish them.... I will also cherish a full nights sleep when it comes!

Time for a change!!!!

I am an attachment parent by nature. I did not read any parenting books (but LOTS about pregnancy, birth, breastfeeding, and baby stages), but Rockstar and I naturally fell into being attachment parents. (Don't know what that is? Head over here to read about it).

So the "cry it out method" is not for us (even though it is suggested by our friends, family, pediatrician, etc.).

Enter this book:

I found out about this from an acquaintance's blog and got excited. Maybe there is hope for the sleepless nights!!!

I picked up the book today from the bookstore and am excited to start reading. I'll let you know what I learn and how it is going.

Hopefully sleep will come soon!

What books have you started this year?


Kimmy said...

Oh my, you sound like me when I had my daughter! I HAVE to have my sleep. PERIOD! So my daughter wouldn't sleep in her own crib the first few days that I just kept her in bed with me cause, dog-gone-it...I need sleep!!! It went well and she transitioned very nicely (2 yrs later...lol!!) into a toddler bed. I became quite attached to her being in our bed and my hubby was getting annoyed cause, well, you know....it interferred with "US". wink wink!

Hope all goes well and you can finally get your sleep. I feel for ya. REALLY!!!!

Mary said...

All 5 of us kids slept in bed with our parents until we transitioned to a toddler bed...but since I can't even sleep in the same bed with my husband, I doubt I would be able to with a baby!
Good luck on finding a solution, I hope the book gives you some great ideas ;o)

Megan said...

Good luck in your quest for sleep! lol

Thanks for visiting me. =)