
The first breast pump

I'm a proud breastfeeding mamma' and I attend the local La Leche League meeting every month (more for friends then anything else). Don't worry; I am not one of those "whip out your boob anywhere because it is for the good of my baby" kind of people. I do breast feed in public, but I use a wrap for discretion and I always try to find a secluded spot.

That being said, I was sent an article from The New Yorker about the subject, and you can check it out here. In this article it had this picture that I just HAD to share because it cracks me up!

Was this socially acceptable to have an illustration of a breast at that time period? And does anyone else notice what Rockstar pointed out to me: she is wearing a corset? Pumping with a corset does not seem every comfortable.

Boy, am I glad I don't have to do that!

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