
Tips for Thrift Store Shopping: Part 2

Did you miss part 1?

Tips for Thrift Store Shopping with www.theactingmom.com

Armed with your list, you are ready to head to a thrift store! For now, just pick a thrift store you've been to before and walk on in. Head to the first section on your list, whether that is shoes, dresses, tops, pants, hats, belts or wherever. Here are some tips on what to look for:

1. Check name brands and sizes. You have a general idea of what brands have a reputation for quality and which ones fall apart quickly (Banana Republic vs. Faded Glory). When you find a garment you like, check the tag to see what the brand is and if it is your size. Different brands run sizes differently, some have a small size 10 that would fit while the size 8 in another would fit you just right. I like to select a couple sizes up and down from me, just incase the tag isn't accurate to the size.

2. Look for defects. Check the garment for holes, snags and stains. Really check the piece carefully from top to bottom, back and front. Even if the piece is inexpensive, would you really wear it with piling? Probably not, so it isn't worth your time to try it on.

3. Try it on! You should like the style of it, but if it doesn't fit well, it isn't for you. Fit is extremely important when it comes to any item you add to your wardrobe. This is when it is nice to have an honest, but kind friend to help you evaluate how it looks on you. Sometimes I have fallen too in love with a piece before trying it on and convinced my eyes that what I was seeing in the mirror was just perfect when in actuality I should have left it for another person.

4. Sort and inspect again. Once you tried on all your items, take our your list and see which ones match with your wardrobe needs. Once you've decided what items to purchase and what to put back on the rack, re-inspect very closely the to-keep pile. Really make sure you didn't miss any holes, stains or snags.

Stay tuned for the last part in the series where we talk about what thrift stores are the best.

P.S. Remember when I wore one dress for an entire month or I purged my closet

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