
Blast you "Gotcha Day" Videos!

There is a phenomenon in the adoption world called "Gotcha Day." I was unfamiliar with this term before we started on this journey, but now I am a little too familiar with it for only having submitted our final paperwork. "Gotcha Day" is the day that the adoptive parents finally get to hold and take their adopted kids into their custody for the first time. Usually the parents will still need to go to court in country and fly back home, but it is the day that those kids you have been hoping, dreaming and praying for are finally in your arms.

I have started watching videos about this day on YouTube and it is not a good thing.

Watching these joyful videos brings tears to by eyes, because we aren't there yet.

We still have to wait, and wait, and wait. There is no end in sight for the wait.

Our "Gotcha Day" is still months and months and months away. We have no timeline.

And even though it is a joyful time for other families, it brings agony to my heart and so I've decided not to watch them for awhile. They completely zap by productivity as I slump into self-pity. But that doesn't mean you can't watch them!

Here are two videos from families that have used the same adoption agency we are using. My hope is that you will be inspired to help orphans, the way these videos have inspired me. It might not seem like much to help the orphan crisis to adopt one, but it really does.

 There are 147 million orphans in the world today. 

Every family that says yes to one or two or three children joining their family means that there are one or two or three less orphans. That can add up quickly if we all do our part. Enjoy and be inspired!


Jenntage said...

Goosebumps ... Memories... Emotional highs and lows... Cafe Roma... Ahhhhhhh can't believe the journey so far :) what a story- cant wait for the barber gotcha video!!!

Jennifer said...

Okay, I only watched the first one and I totally think you made the right decision to stop watching these videos for now.

I don't think I could count the variety of different emotions I felt, and this isn't even my journey! There was joy, sadness, laughter, excitement, and more...

Watching it made your pending adoption an even bigger reality. I tried to imagine that these things were happening to you and feel so grateful that I get to be a part of watching the process unfold in your lives.