
1 Year Anniversary of our Adoption {using YouTube videos}

Well, it's been a year since this happened. And one year ago today we landed in America after almost five weeks in Uganda (time WILL be dedicated to blogging that because I had two photographer capture our airport homecomming and they need to be shared!). Andrew and Simon have been apart of our family since last November and it has been the craziest, hardest, most challenging year of my life. Every day is a struggle and I am not being dramatic about that statement. You know me. I save my drama for the stage (by the way, I am actually rehearsing my first show in a year RIGHT NOW! And you can buy tickets for the show December 5-22nd here.). So when I say every day is a struggle for me, I mean that honestly. And just now, in the last couple of weeks I am starting to see the light at the end of this LONG tunnel.

Not only has the adoption been challenging, but we have faced a lot of crisis in our immediate and extended family, including the death of a parent. Craig would describe this past year as treading water with no land in sight. To say it has been hard would be saying it nicely. This last year has been a kick to the gut. Have there been good times? Of course! Do we love Andrew and Simon? Absolutely! But adopting two kids at once with 4 kids under 5 is the craziest endeavor we have undertook and it has come at a cost.

For a couple of weeks now I have been thinking about what I wanted to write to capture how I felt and what I have learned this past year like other adoptive mom bloggers. "Eloquent" and "moving" were the words that came to mind about how I wanted to communicate all we have been through as a family since last November. I wanted to warn share with other people on this journey to brace prepare themselves for a truly tough and sacrificial existence. And I hoped the whole blog post would be charming and engaging as I regaled stories of triumph and heart break, making all of you laugh and tear-up as you read the things I haven't blogged about all year.

But then I remembered that I still have 4 kids 5 and under and that life is still super crazy! They haven't graduated from high school or even entered kindergarten yet, so I don't have more than 15 minutes to myself on any given day to write a blog post. Whose life did I think I had as I dreamed about my 1 year post anyway? 

Bahahaha! I crack myself up.

So, instead, I decided to share what my life has been like this past year through YouTube videos. I'll let the work and free time of other people benefit my blogging. And if you can't tell, my sarcasm and cutting humor has only amplified since last year. Overall, I've kept quiet about the happenings in our family since we adopted. Now, it is time to share just a glimpse.

Grab a cup of coffee, read my captions and watch each video. Enjoy!

1. I like adoption. When my heart gets faint, I watch this video and read books and blogs from amazing adoptive families like this one. They inspire me to keep on going, day after day after day.

2. #$%@ People say to Transracial Families. Honestly, people have said these things to me. Not kidding! Every time I watch this video, I die laughing because this IS my life now.

3. What if adults had tantrums like toddlers?  Every single day I want to do this. Every. Single. Day. The number of tantrums in my house are innumerable and sometimes I want to join in the fun.

4. People with no kids don't know. To all my friends without kids, this video is for you. Because, "YOU HAVE NO IDEA!" In love, of course, but his sarcasm is the inner monologue in my snarky head on rough days.

5. The story of Ian and Larissa. In the midst of the chaos, sometimes I need to pause. There are many people whose stories I don't know and could never understand. Stepping outside of myself helps to put in perspective how blessed I am.

6. I'm not crying. We have had a lot of hurt, heartaches and days of crying. Instead of wallowing in our sadness, we find funny things to lift our spirits. "These aren't tears of sadness... I'm cutting onions."

7. Make the bed. Ordinary, simple chores become huge ordeals with kids. This video shows the absurd conversations that take place in our house. Love them all!

8. Mighty. I have to remind myself that what I am doing is worth it. That I am a barrier from the storm for my four precious children. That this life on hold place that I am in has value beyond what I can see.

And there you have it. Maybe in another year I will actually find a little more time to write my own thoughts, but for now, thanks for tuning in!