
Parenting a 4, 3, 2 and 1 year old

Life has been a little crazy and overwhelming with Christmas, family in town and adjusting to our family of six. We are adjusting well, but at the same time, we are freaking out! I'm told that this is completely normal of parents of more then two kids, biological or adopted. Trying to get a handle on the daily grind and the huge amount of laundry, diapers, dishes and mess that my kiddos create is a full time job! And that doesn't include homeschooling (which has been on break since we returned from Uganda), investing in each kid, showering, getting dressed for the day or spending time with my husband. We have adjusted a LOT of things to manage four kids, but there is more to do.

I wish I had something profound to write to you all about, but we are still trying to figure everything out here. It is just as hard as I thought and at the same time, it is easier then I imagined. That sounds crazy, I am sure, but it is different then I thought it would be. It is really hard to get everyone dressed, and fed, and to sit still for a photograph! In other ways, I find it easier to take all four kids out into the backyard then just two. They keep each other occupied better, which allows me to work on bonding with one of the kids at a time. Maybe once I get a little more sleep (hahaha!) I'll write something that has more thought and coherency. For now, enjoy these images of my new life parenting a 4, 3, 2 and 1 year old.

smiles with Andrew :: baby wearing two :: djembe time with Craig
scared of the doll :: brother trampoline time :: playing hide-n-go-seek
the do and the wish-I-could-do :: helping with laundry :: first date night in 2 months

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