
Father's Day Campout 2012

For Father's Day this year, we bought Craig a tent. He has this dream of backpacking the Appalachian Trail with our kids and that all begins with starting to camp with them. Tonight, Asher and Craig are spending their first night "camping" in our backyard. It is so fun to hear them laughing and enjoying their male bonding. To kick the night off, the whole family celebrated together with some backyard fun.

Ready for some s'mores!

Tried to start a fire via Pinterest = Failure

Plan B = Toaster oven s'mores

Asher and Mommy love them!
Daddy and Alethea love it and all of us are sporting glow bracelets.

Chocolate gotee

Let the backyard fun begin!

All tucked in and ready for a night of sleep.

This begins a new family tradition for Father's Day weekend. I can't wait to see the pictures every year as each kid turns three and can join the camp out. The thought of this makes me grin from ear to ear! 

And that means a quiet night alone in the house for me. Now, what should I do? Hmmmm......


This morning I brought the campers breakfast in the tent along with Alethea, who slept in her crib last night. They looked a little groggy, but I could tell they had a fun time!


Amy Dearie, PaperCrafter and Stampin UP Demonstrator said...

My favorite picture is of the 2 boys and the tent. The look on Asher's face is priceless! Know that you are blessed with such a husband.

Jennifer said...

Awesome! We should have tried camping in our yard before taking our oldest to the real thing... smart move momma!